Dollplast machinery started not as a machine manufacturer / solution provider, but as a plastic recycling firm back in the 1980’s. The company focused on a niche of recycling particular types of plastic available in the market in those days. But it faced several issues with the reliability of the machinery it had. With constant breakdowns and repairs, the founder, Mr Amritlal Patel was not happy with solutions being provided by the machinery manufacturers. He himself used to go to repair all parts which led him to realise the gap in the industry for a complete and reliable plastic recycling machinery solution provider.
He eventually succeeded in making an Agglomerator machine by himself which took the industry by storm, getting a lot of machine orders for it. But it wasn’t until early 1990’s when Mr Anupkumar Patel, his son, started expansion of machines after completing his engineering education.
In a span of just a few years, he was able to develop several key plastic recycling machines which revolutionised the domestic recycling industry. His keen passion for R&D and commitment towards leaner solutions led him to develop several machines which were named by him and were totally new in the industry.
For example, Dollplast has developed a machine to separate plastic & pulp for the first time for which it has also won the PLASTICON AWARD 2005 (Innovative in Recycling Technology) and the journey is still continuing by winning more awards in 2011, 2012, 2013 & 2015.
Our vision
We thrive to be the most client centric plastic recycling solution & machinery provider, while being sustainable by creating accessibility of most efficient recycling machine setups even to the smallest plastic processors.
Our mission
Provide the best possible path of plastic recycling to every client while improving the quality of the recovered material at most affordable rates. Design and manufacture any and every piece of the process by ourselves to create a harmony betweens any machine setups clients need.
Our Journey
Dollpast plastic waste recycling machine manufacturing company with over 30+ years of total experience in the Machinery manufacturing industry, offers quality tested latest advanced features in machines at a reasonable cost.
We have designed and developed the machines with field expertise and technical knowledge taking into consideration the difficulties and problems being faced by the processors in day-to-day operations.
Dollplast started its new manufacturing facility at RAKANPUR, Ahmedabad (West) in the year 1995. Gaining experience of more than Two decades, now it is one of the most trustworthy manufacturers and solution providers of the plastic recycling machinery with world recognition. Dollplast has exported different types of Machinery and equipment to around 20 countries.
From Director's Desk
Anupkumar A Patel, managing director (mechanical engineer) of Dollplast Machinery Inc. has 25 years of experience in manufacturing of plastic recycling machinery and technology.
Being an environmentalist, he has dedicated his life’s work towards recycling of plastic waste and creating value added products out of it while saving immense amount of resources.
Having expertise in plastic recycling, he has received several awards including two national awards from government of India for his contribution towards a greener environment.
“Lets leave a greener tomorrow for our future generations”
– Anup Patel

Anup Patel
Mile stone:
Plasticon Award 2015 (Innovative In recycling Technology)
Sujana Excellence Award 2013 (Innovation in Engineering Technology)
Plasticon Award 2012 (Innovative in Recycling Technology)
Top SME – 100 Award 2012 (Small & Medium Enterprise)
National Award 2011 by Govt. of India (Innovative Technology in Plastic Waste management)
National Award 2011 by Govt. of India (Mix Plastic Waste to Plastwud)
Plasticon Award 2005 (Innovative In recycling Technology)
We are at Abroad:
We look forward to wonderful relationship together and success for all concerned.
Dollplast machinery started not as a machine manufacturer / solution provider, but as a plastic recycling firm back in the 1980’s. The company focused on a niche of recycling particular types of plastic available in the market in those days. But it faced several issues with the reliability of the machinery it had. With constant breakdowns and repairs, the founder, Mr Amritlal Patel was not happy with solutions being provided by the machinery manufacturers. He himself used to go to repair all parts which led him to realise the gap in the industry for a complete and reliable plastic recycling machinery solution provider.
He eventually succeeded in making an Agglomerator machine by himself which took the industry by storm, getting a lot of machine orders for it. But it wasn’t until early 1990’s when Mr Anupkumar Patel, his son, started expansion of machines after completing his engineering education.
In a span of just a few years, he was able to develop several key plastic recycling machines which revolutionised the domestic recycling industry. His keen passion for R&D and commitment towards leaner solutions led him to develop several machines which were named by him and were totally new in the industry.
For example, Dollplast has developed a machine to separate plastic & pulp for the first time for which it has also won the PLASTICON AWARD 2005 (Innovative in Recycling Technology) and the journey is still continuing by winning more awards in 2011, 2012, 2013 & 2015.
Our vision
We thrive to be the most client centric plastic recycling solution & machinery provider, while being sustainable by creating accessibility of most efficient recycling machine setups even to the smallest plastic processors.
Our mission
Provide the best possible path of plastic recycling to every client while improving the quality of the recovered material at most affordable rates. Design and manufacture any and every piece of the process by ourselves to create a harmony betweens any machine setups clients need.
Our Journey
Dollpast plastic waste recycling machine manufacturing company with over 30+ years of total experience in the Machinery manufacturing industry, offers quality tested latest advanced features in machines at a reasonable cost.
We have designed and developed the machines with field expertise and technical knowledge taking into consideration the difficulties and problems being faced by the processors in day-to-day operations.
Dollplast started its new manufacturing facility at RAKANPUR, Ahmedabad (West) in the year 1995. Gaining experience of more than Two decades, now it is one of the most trustworthy manufacturers and solution providers of the plastic recycling machinery with world recognition. Dollplast has exported different types of Machinery and equipment to around 20 countries.